 News - Events

MK Group Introduces and Demonstrates Digital Transformation and Security Authentication Solutions at IT Event


In April and May 2024, MK Group and its members actively participated in numerous exhibitions and conferences focused on digital transformation, information technology, and cyber security, both domestically and internationally.


With over 25 years of expertise in smart cards and security authentication, we bring comprehensive solutions to events including identification and authentication solution, secure transaction and payments, secure ID documents, data encryption solutions, remote signing solution, AI Camera and smart card products. Our aim is to ensure a safe digital environment and compliance with legal regulations for individuals and organizations alike.


On April 17, 2024, the SMART CITY ASIA 2024 exhibition took place at SECC Center in Ho Chi Minh City, featuring participation from MK Group, MK Smart, and MK Vision. The event attracted numerous Vietnamese and international businesses specializing in technology and application solutions for smart cities, including AI Camera - CCTV, Smart Housing, AIoT, high-quality semiconductor technology, finance - smart payment, smart buildings, smart lighting, green energy, and green technology in smart manufacturing and robotics...

On May 8, 2024 at the National Convention Center, Hanoi, MK Group participated in the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY IN 2024 event with the companionship of banks, payment intermediaries, and technology businesses. ... At the event, representative of MK Group - Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, business director of Finance and Banking sector, gave a presentation at the seminar session on: "Customer Identification and Authentication solution through e-ID card". This solution brings a convenient - safe experience journey and ensuring compliance with regulations of state agencies, especially Decision 2345/QĐ-NHNN issued on December 18 /December 2023, on implementing safe and secure solutions in online payments and bank card payments.

On May 13, 2024 at Melia Hotel, Hanoi, MK Group and members participated in the Workshop on preventing and combating fraud in cyberspace, which organized by the Ministry of Public Security and the National Cyber ​​Security Association (NCA). At the seminar, representative of MK Group - Mr. Phan Thu Ngan, Software Development Director of MK Group presented a presentation on "MK BankID - Security authentication ecosystem in digital space, including diverse solutions: identification and authentication solution through e-ID card, biometric authentication (fingerprint/face/iris), strong authentication with KeyPass OTP, authentication with KeyPass FIDO2 and Remote Digital Signing (MK Smart CA), serving multi-channel, multi-objects in the digital space. In addition, MK Group also has a display and demo area for security authentication solutions, smart cards and AI devices.

"Continuing the series of events, on May 22, 2024, Ms. Vu Nguyet Lan, Technology Director of MK Vision - a member of MK Group, attended a discussion titled 'Standards for Surveillance Cameras to Protect User Data', jointly organized by the Authority of Information Security and Vietnamnet newspaper. At the seminar, MK representatives provided insights into the current state of the camera market in Vietnam, security risks, standards for surveillance cameras, and strategies to promote camera businesses in Vietnam. "In the near future, organizations, businesses, and individuals seeking to purchase and deploy surveillance camera products will increasingly recognize the importance of selecting and researching safe camera solutions."

From 28-29 of May, 2024, MK Group, MK Smart and MK Vision attended the Vietnam – Asia DX Summit 2024 at the International Convention Center, 11 Le Hong Phong, Ba Dinh, Hanoi. In this event, MK introduced to domestic and international business organizations highlight products and solutions in smart cards, secure authentication and AI Cameras, which are researched, developed and produced by MK.

On May 30, 2024, MK Group participated in the Hanoi Health Industry Digital Transformation Conference 2024 at Hong Ngoc - Phuc Truong Minh Hospital. Here, MK showcased the MK e-ID identity authentication solution, featuring e-ID cards integrated with various smart card and biometric reader devices, mobile readers, and self-service kiosk devices. These solutions facilitate easy access to healthcare services, contributing effectively to the successful implementation of tasks such as 'smart disease prevention, intelligent medical examination and treatment, and medical management.